Passive Update

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Sindonic - Aug 1st 2020 08:52

Hello Sprouts!

We are here with a really large update. We are rested and glad to be back from our break. We have a lot of changes, information, and content to explain so let's just dive in. There is way more stuff going on that we have planned and are working on, but this update is already incredibly large and intimidating so we are only covering what we know is coming out now and in the next month.

Quick Reminders
- Time Loot occurs on August 5th! This is to give users some time to get trials and item usage approved.

- Account Claims submitted over the break accidentally got deleted when we went down for maintenance. Please resubmit them if you submitted while we were gone.

- Give us at least 24 hours to get all the new comments posted. We are juggling a lot of updates. 

- There are many features on the site currently in alpha. Several interfaces will be improved in the next update. We just had to get this portion live. 

General Update 1

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griffsnuff - May 31st 2020 21:35

Hello Sprouts, 

The Mod team will be taking a break from June 15th to August 1st to recuperate from COVID-19 -related pressure. COVID-19 has affected some of our lives in a significant way. The entire ARPG will be closed except Griffian Transfers, Griffian Creation, and our Discord